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Integrating Algolia

  1. Sign up for a free Algolia account here.

  2. Log into your account.

  3. On the Get Started page, create your first index with a desired name.

  4. Retrieve your Algolia API keys by following these steps:

    1. Go to Settings > Team and Access > API Keys and make a note of the following values:

      • Application ID
      • Search API Key
      • Admin API Key
    2. Add your API keys to the scripts/.env file and setup your index name as in the following example for creating an index named demo_products:

    3. Add your Application ID, Search API Key, and index name to the /composable-ui/.env file as in the following example:



      Do not include your Admin API Key in /composable-ui/.env. This key is not required for your Next.js application. For more information about public environment variables in Next.js, see the Exposing Environment Variables to the Browser page.

  5. Configure and populate the new index using one of the following options:

Configuring and Populating the New Index Using the Script

Composable UI offers a preconfigured script located in the scripts directory. This script performs the following tasks:

  • Creates a primary index in Algolia.
  • Configures the index by specifying searchable attributes, facets, and replicas.
  • Populates the index with product data.


  • Create an .env file in the root of the scripts directory and set the following variables:

You can use the .env.example file as a template.


  1. Open the terminal and navigate to the scripts directory.
  2. In the scripts directory, run the following command:
    pnpm install
  3. To set up Algolia, run the following command:
    pnpm algolia-setup

Configuring the Algolia indexes manually

Configuring the Algolia indexes manually requires more time and effort compared to other methods.

  1. Import products by doing the following:

    1. If you haven't already created an index, in the Algolia Getting Started page, create a new index.

      This is used as the ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME when configuring the replicas in step 3.

    2. In the Import your records section, click Upload your records > Upload file.

    3. Drag and drop the JSON file, packages/commerce-generic/src/data/products.json, that contains the demo products. The Configure page for your index is displayed.

  2. To configure searchable attributes and facets, in the Configure > Index page, click the Configuration tab and do the following:

    1. In RELEVANCE ESSENTIALS -> Searchable attributes tab, click Add a searchable attribute and add the following attributes:

      • name.
      • category.

      These attributed are used as the searchable attributes.

    2. In FILTERING AND FACETING tab, click Facets > Add an Attribute and add the following attributes:

      • type
      • brand
      • price

      These attributes are used for faceted search in your application.

  3. To create replicas for different sorting options, do the following:

    1. In the top menu, click the New... drop-down menu.

    2. Click Replica.

      The Create a new replica window is displayed with the default replica type set as Standard Replica (default).

    3. Create four replicas, newest, priceDesc, priceAsc and nameAsc, in the following format: {ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME}_{SORTING_OPTION}. For example, if your ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME is MyFirstIndex:

      • MyFirstIndex_newest
      • MyFirstIndex_priceDesc
      • MyFirstIndex_priceAsc
      • MyFirstIndex_nameAsc
  4. For each Replica, to configure sorting to match the name of the index, doo the following:

    1. Go to Configuration and click RELEVANCE ESSENTIALS > Ranking and Sorting.s
    2. Click + Add sort-by attribute, enter the field name.
    3. Select Ascending or Descending for the sorting order. You can create different sorting options by modifying the ALGOLIA_SORTING_OPTIONS constant in the application.

To ensure the proper functioning of Composable UI's search feature, the ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME value in your .env file and your Algolia index configuration must match. If these values do not match, Composable UI's search functionality will fail.