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Deploy Composable UI

You can host Composable UI on any hosting service that supports Next.js applications such as Vercel, Netlify, or AWS.

Environment Variables

When deploying to a cloud provider, you must set the NEXTAUTH_SECRET environment variable on the cloud platform. For more information on Composable UI environment variables, see the Application Configuration section.

1-Click Deployment to Vercel

Click the following button to build and deploy your own copy of Composable UI to Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel

When prompted, authenticate with GitHub and choose a repository name. Vercel creates a repository automatically in your GitHub account with a copy of the files from the Composable UI repository and build and deploy the new site. However, you can deploy your Next.js application to Vercel regardless of whether you have a GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab account.

1-Click Deployment to Netlify

Click the following button to build and deploy your own copy of Composable UI to Netlify:

Deploy with Netlify

When prompted, authenticate with GitHub and choose a repository name. Netlify creates a repository in your GitHub account automatically with a copy of the files from the Composable UI repository, and the new site is built and deployed on Netlify.

Deploy Composable UI Docs

You can host Composable UI Docs on any hosting service that supports Next.js applications such as Vercel, Netlify, or AWS.

1-Click Deployment to Vercel

Use the button below to build and deploy your own copy of Composable UI Docs to Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel

1-Click Deployment to Netlify

Use the button below to build and deploy your own copy of Composable UI Docs to Netlify:

Deploy with Netlify