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Composable UI leverages dynamic routes in Next.js to manage the Product Display Pages (PDP) and Product Listing Pages (PLP), based on a given product or category identifier.

The following table provides the details of the files in the /pages directory:

index.tsxThe home page file.
404.tsxThe standard "Page Not Found" 404 page to display automatically when a requested URL does not exist.
cart.tsxThe cart page file.
api/*Next.js API Routes, which are server-side endpoints to handle incoming HTTP requests APIs in this directory can run as serverless functions or edge functions.
category/slug.tsxA dynamic route to display a PLP based on the product category slug.
checkout.tsxThe checkout page. Composable UI uses a three-step checkout process. The index.tsx file manages the checkout route on the application by using the CheckoutPage component to manage the checkout logins. The success.tsx file manages the routing of the /checkout/success URL. After completing an order, the browser is redirected to the page configured in the /checkout/success.tsx file.
products/slug.tsxA dynamic route to display a single PDP based on the product slug.